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How LGBT-Friendly Are The New York Times' 52 Places to Go? Part II

How LGBT-Friendly Are The New York Times' 52 Places to Go? Part II

How LGBT-Friendly Are The New York Times' 52 Places to Go? Part II

We continue our look at the Times' list of exotic locales based on openness to LGBT persons.

The New York Times’ Travel section set out an ambitious travel plan for readers recently with their “52 Places to Go in 2014.” But how LGBT-friendly are these exotic locales? Which places will have your back, and what destinations are not worthy of your patronage? We'll be breaking down the places on the list over the next few weeks. See the second group of five below and the first here:

Downtown Los Angeles
DTLA may not be West Hollywood, but there’s no reason you can’t be out and proud there. Gay and lesbian sexual activity has been legal in California since 1976, and marriage has been equal since Prop 8 was struck down last year. Los Angeles itself has protections for LGBT people in housing and employment issues and the LAPD even recruits gay and transgender cops.

Same-sex relations are legal in this South American country, but that’s about the only clear-cut LGBT rights policy. While only civil unions have been legalized, Article 68 in the Ecuadorian Constitution technically gives same-sex couples in committed relationships the same rights as married couples. Additionally, single LGBT persons can adopt, but same-sex couples cannot.

Quang Binh, Vietnam
There are no laws in Vietnam barring same-sex sexual activity — and in fact, there is no known law in the country’s history that has done so. However, while removing the ban on same-sex marriage is being considered, it’s still constitutionally criminalized.

Perth, Australia
While the same-sex unions permitted in Australia vary by region, marriage equality has yet to be established down under (the nation's high court recently overturned a law legalizing marriage equality in Australia's capital territory). However, LGBT persons are legally protected under the Sex Discrimination Amendment Act.

Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Holland is known for being liberal, so it’s no shock that their LGBT rights are extensive. Same-sex relations have been legal since the beginning of the 19th century, and marriage equality was established way back in 2001.

Stay tuned for more on the Gray Lady's list. See the first part of this series here.

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