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Gay Voter Dining With Mom Rips Rubio a New One

Gay Voter Dining With Mom Rips Rubio a New One

Gay Voter Dining With Mom Rips Rubio a New One

Rubio's posture as a moderate Republican exposed by a middle aged voter yelling, "Why do you want to put me back in the closet?" before 92-year old woman asks the Senator if Lindsey Graham is gay.

It was showtime at the Puritan Backroom diner in which Senator Marco Rubio was drumming up votes in New Hampshire today, when Timothy Kierstead, dining with his mother and husband, took issue with Rubio's position on marriage equality. "Why do you want to put me back in the closet?,” he asked the Senator during a campaign stop in Manchester, N.H.  "I just believe marriage is between one man and one woman,” Rubio replied, before adding that if Kierstead didn't agree he "should have the law changed by a legislature.” The fact that the highest court in the land has already ruled in favor of gay marriage seemed to have passed the Senator by, a point Kierstead made before Rubio walked away. 

But, according to The New York Times, the Senator was not entirely out of the woods. Another diner, a 92-year old woman, grilled him on Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, saying, "He's a bachelor, right?" When Rubio acknowledged that Graham was, indeed, unmarried, she asked, "Is he gay?"


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