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QUEST10NS: Bryan Gallo

QUEST10NS: Bryan Gallo

QUEST10NS: Bryan Gallo

Bryan chimes in on his favorite local hangouts and Palm Springs must-sees.

Predicting the weather in Palm Springs is just about as easy as predicting what day tomorrow will be. But to make it seem entertaining every time, well, that's requires a talent that Bryan Gallo, weatherman for KMIR NBC Palm Springs brings to his broadcasts every Saturday and Sunday night. We were able to catch up with the Coachella Valley resident recently to ask him our QUEST10NS:

1. Where did you go on your last trip?
The last trip I took was to Japan. Three long years ago (feels like a lot longer). I spent three weeks traveling From Tokyo to Kamakura, Kamakura to Kyoto and back to Tokyo. I spent my time eating and shopping my way through Japan. Tried fugu/pufferfish, sang karaoke with locals, toured a zillion temples and shopped my ass off. Tokyo is indescribable and the Japanese culture blew my mind. I can't wait to go back.

2. What was your favorite memory from it?
I would have to say my favorite memory was getting lost in the city. Shibuya specifically. It's like another world. The daily fashion for the Japanese is so eccentric. The people watching beats any airport in America. Not to mention the dense, busy, but organized city around you. People are friendly and the streets are clean. It defies what I've always known as city life. I felt like I was watching a movie. So cool.

3. Worst weather-related experience while traveling?
In 2011, I was traveling from Rome to small town in North Umbria (Citta di Castello) for business. We rented a car for our three hour trip North. Two hours into the trip its started to rain. Hard. Sheets and sheets of it. I'm from the Bay area so I was trained to drive in the rain. I wasn't prepared for this. Our three hour trip turned into five. I spent the next three hours driving fifteen miles an hour with a very tight grip on the wheel. Trekking through a foreign land in the dark. Obviously we made it. Late but safe. That experience actually added to the trip believe it or not.

4. Coldest place you’ve ever traveled to?
Probably Copenhagen, Denmark. I spent four days there right as winter was hitting. And I wasn't prepared. I think the Danish prefer the cold weather. Which I can't wrap my head around. I did my best to not the let cold turn me into a chicken. I still rented a bike and toured the city. That was fun. Cold but fun. The bars were always full so pulling off for a beer helped keep me warm.

5. How often do you report rain in Palm Springs?
Well lets put it this way. I've been reporting weather specifically now for six months and I've been able to report actual significant rain, twice. Threats of rain is a different story. Which in late fall/ winter seem to be weekly. We see four inches of rain on average in one year. Seattle saw forty five inches last year to give you some idea. So I rarely get to report measurable rain. But I get to say the word a lot.

6. Your favorite local hangout?
There's so much out here. Probably Hunters on a weekend night. Its a catch all. Locals, out-of-towners, younger, older, bachelorette parties, celebs. Everybody goes to Hunters. And they've got good DJs too.

7. One thing anyone who visits Palm Springs should experience?
You gotta check out The Tram ride. A ten-minute gondola takes you 8,500 feet up in the sky to the top of the Mountain. On average its thirty degrees cooler than the valley floor. So on those blazing summer days that feel unbearable its' a practical and easy escape. You can hike, dine, relax up there and obviously take in the massive views. Its defintley a must see.

8. White Party or Palm Springs Pride?
Hmmmmmm, you're killing me.. That's a toughy. White party. I'm a big music fan. I love to dance. WP brings people from all over the world sporting their best pool side and club wear. It's a scene, a non-stop party from Thursday night to Monday. However, I'm at the age where I can only choose two cool parties to go to: The White Party on Saturday night and the Tea Dance Sunday afternoon.

9. What’s tomorrow’s weather in Palm Springs?
Well "Its gonna be another lovely day for us here in the valley. With highs around 65. Some cloud cover is keeping our temps a few degrees cooler then where we should be for this time of year. But all in all a nice day. With calm winds coming from the north north west." (laughs)

10. Where will you go on your next adventure?
I'm planning a safari with my cousin in April 2017. A fortieth birthday gift to myself. A seven day safari and a week traveling around South Africa. I haven't taken a big trip in a while, so I'm stoked. I feel renewed when I travel internationally. I've always wanted to go on safari so I'm getting ready to check this off of my bucket list. Should be memorable.


Watch Bryan weekend nights on KMIR NBC Palm Springs.

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