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Alessandro's Gay Guide to Washington, D.C.

Alessandro's Gay Guide to Washington, D.C.

Guides to great cities by the locals who know them best!

?Originally published on

Name: Alessandro
Age: 20
Profession: Multi Talented Artist
City: Washington, D.C.
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Gay

What was the last vacation you took?

Where did you go?
Park Safari in Quebec. Where do you most want to go?
A small ski chalet called the Matterhorn on the South Island of New Zealand.


Are any famous people from your town?
Ben Feldman, Alyson Hannigan.

What are some of the things you love most about your town?
The culture; America is a melting pot and we each have a country where our families originated from but I feel that we sometimes forget that we have our own history right here at home. I find it to be humbling.

If someone came to your town for just four hours, what is the one thing he should do?
Go down to the Mall and hit the Smithsonian's which are close by. Both are highly impressive and if your from a small town you should use the subway system to get there. It always seems to shock the tourists how commuter friendly the city really is.

What are is a great restaurant for a romantic gay date?
The Daily Grill in North West.

What about this restaurant that appeals to you?
Its on the smaller side so its warm and cozy; it also holds a very diverse menu so anybody can find something they can enjoy.

Where is the best public place for a gay person to make out there?
Hands down; DuPont Circle.


What is the gay community like there?
It's sort of sporadic there tends to be a lot of conservative people here. So people come out later in life.

Do you consider yourself to be part of any particular "scene?"
I was raised Mormon so I'm fairly conservative if I would put a label on it I guess I'm the artistic, jock, boy next door scene all mixed into one. 90% of my friends are in the arts actors, writers, musicians, fashion design ext so I hang with them on a regular basis but outside of the work related activities that I attend. I like to hang out with the guys. Sports bars and Brewery's are a must for me.

Where do you shop for clothes?
Macy's, NorthFace and the Movado boutique.

Where do you go for other forms of entertainment -- live theater, concerts, movies, art exhibits?
For movies I go to E Street Theaters its a theater that only plays independent features it also hosts the annual DC film festival. For live theater the Kennedy Center / Studio Theater are the best in town. As for concerts I prefer the 9:30 club.

Are there any local gay performance groups, bands, or artists that you're a fan of?
There's a gay rugby team called The DC Renegades.

If you had gay friends visiting from out of town for the first time, what are some "must-dos" you'd recommend?
First they would have to be staying at the Wilson. I hear its the best place to spot Hillary Clinton. They would also have to go to a Nationals Game as well as a DC United match they would also have to do the museum and monument circuit. Last but not least go to the national zoo its weird to see cheetahs, donkeys and sea otters in the middle of downtown DC.

If you had to describe the "average gay boy" style of your town in two words, what would they be?
Lawyer / Professional types.

Do you have any local celebs?
First names that come to mind would be The Obamas. Then a dozen politicians. As for artists I personally know that Jonathan Schaech has a place in upstate Maryland so he comes down from time to time. Also former Power Ranger Austin St. John lives right outside of the city.

Has your town ever had a "gay scandal?"
Numerous political ones.

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