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So American Horror Story 10 Will Be Set in Provincetown After All?

So American Horror Story 10 Will Be Set in Provincetown After All?

Ryan Murphy American Horror Story

It certainly looks like AHS has filmed in LGBTQ+ vacation hot-spot P-town. Check out the new season's title, theme, and sneak peeks.

Last year we heard rumors that American Horror Story 10 would be filmed in Provincetown, plus early images like this had us thinking about the Cape.

AHS 10 Poster

But the director of tourism, Anthony Fuccillo, was quick to set the record straight in December, clarifying to Out Traveler that although "20th Century Fox Television has submitted an application to film and the permit is pending for filming in February and March 2021," there is no mention of AHS in the application.

But now that director Ryan Murphy has officially announced the title, theme, and sneak peeks of this year's season, it's starting to look a lot like P-town.

First Murphy released a couple of images (the opener titled, "Night Moves" and this one of Leslie Grossman arm in arm with AHS newcomer Macauly Culkin in winter coats on a Provincetown beach, about which Murphy posted, "Something wicked this way comes."

And we couldn't help but notice that Murphy posted these with the location of Provincetown, Massachusetts.

Murphy shared later this video, which starts with white waves crashing against black sands. The title appears in red: "Double Feature." In white text it says, "Two horrifying stories ..... one season. One by the by the sand."


Double Feature certainly references the tradition of drive-ins and theaters to offer duo B-movies for a single ticket price. (We're getting two seasons for the price of one, Murphy clarified the Daily Mail, “It means TWO SEASONS for the fans airing in one calendar year! So double the viewing pleasure. One set by the sea (this cast already announced). A second by the sand (that cast announcement coming).”

Here's that cast reveal: 


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