Not sure where to go this year? Astrologer Ally Mead (aka the Sassy Psychic) offers up her recommendations.
January 16 2016 9:45 PM EST
May 26 2023 1:21 PM EST
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With so many places in the world to explore, sometimes it can be hard to decide where (and when) to go next. To help point us in the right direction, we enlisted author Ally Mead, a.k.a. the Sassy Psychic, to give us her sign-by-sign astrological predictions for the year ahead.
Best time to travel: Spring
Worst time to travel: Fall
Best types of trips: Active, extreme, experiential
Worst types of trips: Inert, lying on the beach
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: The Dolomites or Himalayas, Dakar, Bavaria and Israel
Secret Superpower While Traveling: Aries travelers somehow manage to stay fit and not gain an ounce, even when living out of a suitcase.
What 2016 Holds: With Uranus, planet of individuality and sudden inspiration, moving through your sign, you’ll be making all kinds of unusual choices in life and love, as well as with work, travel and money.
Best time to travel: Spring
Worst time to travel: Winter
Best types of trips: Slow, wandering or puttering, relaxing
Worst types of trips: Over too quickly, or without sensory delights
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: Barcelona, the Seychelles, Idyllwild, Rome or Brazil
Secret Superpower While Traveling: Can find a great home-cooked meal, and may even be able to score invites to a local family table.
What 2016 Holds: Pluto trining your sign all year will bring empowering experiences that radically change the way you look at love, money and security. Let change in, rather than resisting it.
Best time to travel: Summer
Worst time to travel: Winter
Best types of trips: Active, participatory and seeing as much as possible
Worst types of trips: Boring, or activities where you can’t ask any questions and be part of the action
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: London, Paris, Venice, Moscow and Thailand
Secret Superpower While Traveling: Can safely and effectively make friends with anyone, and return with dozens of new pals.
What 2016 Holds: With Jupiter squaring your sign all year, it’s important not to overindulge. Sure, pleasure feels good, but moderation works a lot better in the long run. Find and cultivate balance.
Best time to travel: Summer
Worst time to travel: Winter
Best types of trips: Service trips, or travels involving food & local cuisine
Worst types of trips: Activities that force you to be outgoing or overly involved
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: Ireland, Hawaii, Madagascar and Bali
Secret Superpower While Traveling: Great at balancing the needs of friends, family and keeping everyone happy, including themselves.
What 2016 Holds: Neptune trining your sign this year asks you to dream big. Don’t back away from your bold plans, or talk yourself out of adventure. Embrace them, and you may just see them come true.
Best time to travel: Summer
Worst time to travel: Winter
Best types of trips: Active, exploratory & engaged with the locals
Worst types of trips: Overly scheduled group travel
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: Japan, Chicago, Chile, Tonga and Fiji
Secret Superpower While Traveling: Can locate the best guides and integrate with local customs within days
What 2016 Holds: Uranus’ trine to your sign all year makes you attracted to the unconventional. Have fun, but watch your bank account, lest impulse spending make too big a dent in your credit cards.
Best time to travel: Fall
Worst time to travel: Spring
Best types of trips: Scheduled tours, group travel & anything related to history
Worst types of trips: Too much free time, or unscheduled exploration
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: Colonial Williamsburg, the Grand Canyon, Mexico City and the ruins at Chacol
Secret Superpower While Traveling: An uncanny ability to learn new languages quickly
What 2016 Holds: Jupiter’s transit of your sign during 2016 opens up communication for you, at work and relationships. Someone wants to build up your ego, so who are you to refuse?
Best time to travel: Fall
Worst time to travel: Summer
Best types of trips: Artistic, social, ancestor-searching/genealogical
Worst types of trips: Solo and/or without beauty
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: Paris, Madrid, Cannes, Hollywood/Los Angeles, Brussels and Morocco
Secret Superpower While Traveling: Can get invited to the chicest of parties.
What 2016 Holds: Your normally social life becomes a little more about building security in life, love and with cash flow. You can still have loads of fun, but saving for the trip of your dreams, or even a home, makes you so much happier.
Best time to travel: Fall
Worst time to travel: Spring
Best types of trips: Deep, possibly spiritual, and life-changing
Worst types of trips: Those that feel like a duty, like visits home for family functions
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: Korea, Croatia & the Dalmatian Coast, Greece, Crete and Indonesian Islands
Secret Superpower While Traveling: Ability to be alone in a crowd without fear.
What 2016 Holds: Neptune forms a harmonious aspect with your sign this year, encouraging you to rediscover your spirituality and creativity. What you can dream you can create, as long as you believe in your abilities.
Best time to travel: Winter
Worst time to travel: Summer
Best types of trips: Adventurous, discovery-based and social
Worst types of trips: Overly structured with too many lectures/tour guide speeches
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: Tibet, New Zealand, Vancouver, the Cascades, Colombia
Secret Superpower While Traveling: To make even the most mundane aspects of travel fun.
What 2016 Holds: As Saturn moves through your sign, some part of you may feel hemmed in. But the good news is that, if you heed rules and regulations sometimes, you earn the respect of others, and end up getting what you want.
Best time to travel: Winter
Worst time to travel: Summer
Best types of trips: Historical/battle sites, castles, Shakespeare tours
Worst types of trips: Unstructured or self-directed
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: England, Gibraltar, Machu Picchu, Rocky Mountains and Banff
Secret Superpower While Traveling: Finds great bargains on luxury items.
What 2016 Holds: With Pluto moving through your sign all year, you’re transforming more than one area of your life now. From love to money, work and moving toward your purpose, you’re driven to succeed.
Best time to travel: Winter
Worst time to travel: Fall
Best types of trips: Brainy, engaged and/or destinations near water
Worst types of trips: Boring or lazing around, or those with no mental stimulation
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: Space Camp, Seattle, Sedona, Varanasi (India), Hadron Collider (Switzerland),
Secret Superpower While Traveling: Has usually done so much research about a destination, they can recite facts from memory.
What 2016 Holds: Your quirky ruler Uranus sextiles your sign all year, giving you a firm foundation on which to build your dreams. Expect change, and for things that don’t work out to send you in another, better direction.
Best time to travel: Spring
Worst time to travel: Fall
Best types of trips: Spiritual, self-help or personal development, creative
Worst types of trips: Stuffy, boring or so structured there’s never any personal time
Regions/Cities/Continents That Might Be Especially Appealing: Stonehenge (England), Egypt, Cambodia, Istanbul and Vietnam
Secret Superpower While Traveling: You intuitively uncover a city or region’s most interesting layers.
What 2016 Holds: Your ruling planet transiting your sign during 2016 allows you to develop your creativity across the board. From work and money to relationships and family life, you’re finding creative ways to make your perfect life happen.
Ally Mead is the author of two books: Searching for Sassy: An L.A. Phone Psychic's Tales of Life, Lust & Love and Astrology Made Simple: A Beginner's Guide to Interpreting Your Birth Chart and Revealing Your Horoscope. She also offers readings and intuitive healing sessions in astrology, Reiki, Matrix Energetics and other modalities. Visit for more information.