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These Kids in Russia Are Voguing. The House. DOWN, Hunny!

These Kids in Russia Are Voguing. The House. DOWN, Hunny!

These Kids in Russia Are Voguing. The House. DOWN, Hunny!

St. Petersburg is burning.

Kids today are so much fucking cooler than us stupid, boring adults, what with our "responsibilities" and crap.

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Proof positive, these legendary upcoming tikes in Russia who learned to vogue from one Dashaun Wesley, a high-cheekboned dance teacher currently making sure the children are our future over in St. Petersburg.

russian kids voguing

Wesley writes of the accompanying video:

My class in Russia. Kids Voguing down and letting it on out
Girl Nicol Safronova 
boy Leonid Mizrahi 

And yes. Their parents were their to support them. 
Swear I love Voguing 
(understand the joy of this)

Me and my sis Roxy in another life tho
Roxanne Donelson

#letitonout #kidsvoguefem #boybattlesgirl #russia#vogueclass #sexylikesinia #vjuanallure #practicemakesperfect #catchthemdip #letthemfeelit #ineedtopracticemore #GaggingLikeOlderFish

It warms my heart to see the kids doing a soft dip. 

russian kids voguing

And with their parens being there to cheer them on it paints a far less homophobic picture of Russia than we're used to seeing. Especially since—no tea, no shade—Leonid is mopping the floor with Nicol. 

russian kids voguing


russian kids voguing

I really can't wait for the 8-year-olds to inherit the earth. Inherit the earth, children!

My class in Russia. Kids Voguing down and letting it on outGirl Nicol Safronova boy Leonid Mizrahi And yes. Their parents were their to support them. Swear I love Voguing (understand the joy of this)Me and my sis Roxy in another life thoRoxanne Donelson#letitonout #kidsvoguefem #boybattlesgirl #russia #vogueclass #sexylikesinia #vjuanallure #practicemakesperfect #catchthemdip #letthemfeelit #ineedtopracticemore #GaggingLikeOlderFish

Posted by Dashaun Wesley on Thursday, January 7, 2016


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