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Calling All Beach Bodies

Calling All Beach Bodies

Beach Body

We're on the hunt for the OutTraveler readers with the hottest beach bodies....

We are eagerly gearing up for summer (yes, already!) and are on the lookout for the OutTraveler 2016 Beach Body of the Year and want you to send in your photos. We welcome entries from all of our readers 18 years of age and older regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, body type or any other factor. Of course we want sexy, but in a PG-13 kind of way and, unfortunately, headless torso pics will not be considered (this isn't Grindr.)

The top five beach bodies (based on reader votes) will be profiled for their own feature story appearing on OutTraveler sometime during the spring and summer. So, if you would like to throw your bathing cap into the ring, email us a photo of you in your swim trunks, bathing suit or bikini to by April 30 at 11:59 P.M. PST.

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