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Exclusive | A Taste of Montr�al

Exclusive | A Taste of Montr�al

If you only have time for a few meals in Montréal, make them at these titillating tables.

Savor the cuisine at one Old Town hot dining destination; one Gay Village gem; one hip, lesbian-owned upscale burger bar; and one Plateau room that's going to save the world.

Petit Fours
Le Club, as Old Town Montr?al hot spot Le Club Chasse et P?che (423, rue St-Claude; 514-861-1112; C$27-$32) is known, has been the city's hippest dining address since it nonchalantly opened its doors and hung up its cryptic, nameless coat of arms sign back in 2005. A menu that changes weekly stars at the huntin'- and fishin'-themed Club, but you won't find anyone in sports attire inside; these are hunting grounds only for the finest of caviars, risottos, foie gras, and the most delicious morsels of Qu?b?cois cuisine. Here, "Surf 'n' Turf" translates as lobster with sweetbreads and celeriac puree. The ravenous among you can opt for the "costaud" dish, which officially translates as "sturdy," but means "substantial" when you order it here.

There's nothing splashy about gay-popular O Thym (1112 De Maisonneuve Est, The Village; 514-525-3443; C$19-$32), a BYOW (bring your own wine: "Apportez votre vin") restaurant tucked away just off Amherst in the Gay Village, a short walk from Ste-Catherine. With less than 50 seats and its name simply scribbled on a chalkboard in the window, it's easy to overlook -- but that would be a mistake. From the intimate ambiance and friendly staff to the gorgeous food (the curry and honey tuna and rack of lamb with black olives are exceptional), this bistro doesn't hit a wrong note.

A warm, welcoming room on a hipster stretch of Saint-Laurent, Robin Des Bois (4653 Saint-Laurent; 514-288-1010; C$11-$23) offers feel-good food with a difference; the serving staff is entirely made up of volunteers. One hundred per cent of the profits from this chic restaurant go to charity organizations helping the less fortunate, hence the restaurant's name, the French for Robin Hood, so you can order that extra dessert and know it's for the good of humanity. As you tuck in to minced beet and goat cheese gratin with thyme butter, or black beer and buckwheat honey pork spareribs with caramelized garlic and parsnip puree, though, you'll quickly realize that the chef is paid. So service might be slow and you might have to ask a couple of times for a glass of water, but when you're saving the world one delicious plate at a time, what's the hurry?

Upscale burger bar La Paryse (302 rue Ontario Est, Latin Quarter; 514-842-2040; C$7-10) serves the best homemade hamburgers and fries in town. This cozy diner, just off St. Denis, is lesbian-owned and straight/gay-frequented. Attractive male and female servers dish up delights such as double cheese and bacon burgers and nut burgers with generous dollops of deliciously creamy blue cheese. It's a perfect pit stop for lunch.

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