The Largest Penises in World
Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon
Call us a sucker for sexy ethnography and charts, or just call us gay men, but we've always wondered if those penis stereotypes hold true round the world. You know the ones. And try as we might, field research only gets one so far.
Behold! A statically-derived* compilation of just who has the biggest basket from Colombia to the Congo. Surprise, surprise — all those "Hung-ary" jokes aren't really that tongue in cheek. Guess Bel Ami was on to something...
Happy Friday!
*stats and charts come from The World Penis Average Studies Database and although they list plenty of resources, their methodology is as scant as the eye candy is plentiful. In other words, this is all for funs. As that old proverb goes, a cock in the hand is better than two-inches more across a continent (or something).