Dressed to impress
As much hedonism and indulgence Las Vegas dishes out, gay nightlife has always lagged behind. That was, till March 3, when Share Nightclub and Ultra Lounge held its official grand gala opening near The Palms just off the Strip and Out was there capture it.
Did we mention it has a bonafide stripper license?
Hosted by Ross Matthews of E! Entertainment, Golden Rainbow, and NoH8 photographer Adam Bouska (who photographed the first 100 patrons for free), and a performance by Luciana, the club’s official opening was a every bit a smash. (It's been operating since November of last year but this marked its grand debut.) By 9pm, eager guests were lined up down the block -- a feat for Sin City -- and once inside, both levels of the venue filled with patrons who partied with celebrities like Carson Cressley, Jai Rodriguez, Josh Flagg, Alec Mapa, Ronnie Kroell, and Madison Hildebrand. Las Vegas acts including Peepshow’s Josh Strickland, Chippendale legend Jaymes Vaughn, and the “Mistress of Sensuality” Edie of Zumanity joined in with some additional entertainment. Slick design, throbbing sounds, and a private lounge upstairs, the event was a full buffet for the senses.
And definite added bonus: world-class male erotic dancers. Grandfathered in from the previous establishment, Share is the first and only gay nightclub in the state to have a legit stripper license, meaning the seriously hot eye-candy can do everything the ladies can do over at the Spearmint Rhino, including private dances. No more slumming it at Thunder from Down Under!
Sean Dunn, owner of Share told Out of the night's events, "Everyone loves working with the NOH8 founders, photographer Adam Bouska and his partner Jeff Parshley, and Vegas has never had a gay nightclub with a male stripper license." A move that had Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman issuing a Proclamation and Senator Harry Reid sending in his congrats. Only in Nevada, folks, only in Nevada...
Check out Out’s exclusive video of the event below.
Share Nightclub
4636 Wynn Road
Las Vegas, Nevada 89103
Thursday, Friday, Sat. 6pm-4am
Mon-Wed. 6pm-2am
Closed Sunday
** Text "ishare" to 313131 to get in without a cover.
VIP Table Service: vip@sharenightclub.com