Easter evening the Crescent City LGBTQ+ community comes out to the French Quarter for a parade of carriages, convertibles, and marchers. According to Ambush magazine in New Orleans, the Gay Easter Parade started in 2000 as a way to showcase the fashion and creativity of the queer community with ladies in gowns or summer suits with Easter Hats and gentlemen in summer suits or tuxedos. The annual parade is also a fundraising event for Food for Friends, a division of CrescentCare, the health care center that grew out of the city's HIV organization NO/AIDS Task Force. Since 2003, the parade has raised over $315,000 for Food for Friends.
This year’s Easter Grand Marshals (below) are Dominique DeLorean of Oz and James Garner of the Golden Lantern.
New Orleans Easter Grand Marshals XXI Dominique DeLorean and James Garner (Photo: Craig Freeman Photography)